Attorney at law

Corporate law, Compliance with the existing regulation, Contracts, Labor law, Collection of receivables, Claims compensation, Licensing , Court representation


Attorney at law

Corporate law, Compliance with the existing regulation, Contracts, Labor law, Collection of receivables, Claims compensation, Licensing , Court representation



The aspiration of our office is to function as a company  that will provide a complete service to small and large legal entities, the highest quality service and representation of the interests of our clients before the Courts in RM, and through law firms also in the region: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria; The special interest of the law office is to follow the new innovative trends in digitalization and modern technologies from the aspect of law and protection of systems; Collaborating with a wide network of professionals from various fields, certified forensic experts in the fields of medicine, economics, traffic, mechanical engineering, information technologies, enables us to provide our clients with full professional and best professional protection of their interests. We have an excellent team of associates notary and enforcement offices and appraisers. We cooperate with our clients in Macedonian and English, and if necessary we provide professional translation of a system of other foreign languages.




Insurance; compensation for claims from a traffic accident, compensation for claims from labor law, injury at work, claims from liability, claims from product, claims due to non-fulfillment of a contract, claims due to insult and defamation, etc .; information law; obligation law; family law (divorce, guardianship and division of property, alimony disputes, settlement of extramarital affairs); inheritance law: bequest, will; concluding contracts; public procurement procedures; protection of industrial property; protection against unlawful competition; representation before courts and administrative bodies; collection of receivables (debts and recourse receivables).

 §  Education

University Ss Cyril and Methodius Skopje

Law Faculty – Justiniuanus Primus (2002)

Bar exam passed (2004)


§  Professional experience

Independent Attorney-at-law (2017 – ); Assistant General Manager & Manager of Legal Department and Administration at Joint Stock Insurance Company Winner- Vienna Insurance Group  (2011– 2017); Manager of Legal  Department and Administration at Joint Stock Insurance Company Winner- Vienna Insurance Group (2008 – 2011); Manager of Legal Department at Joint Stock Insurance Company  SIGMA Insurance Company  and secretariat of Supervisory Board of Company ( 2004 – 2008); Law office “Janicevic” (2002-2004); Notary office (2001-2002)


§  Membership in organizations and professional associations

Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia (2004)

Macedonian Lawyers Association (2008)

Corporative secretaries (Internal Legal Advisors) and persons for relations with investors Committee, through the Institute for directors (2016)

President of Macedonian Insurance Association (2015 – 2017)

Macedonian Bar Association (2017)

Мember of the Council for development of the capital market in the Republic of Macedonia (2017)


§  Languages

Macedonian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian 

Blagoj Petkovski


Commercial law; Analysis of laws and regulations according to the interests of the clients; bankruptcy or liquidation; privatization and legalization procedures; Company law and Registration agent: establishment, merger and separation of companies and other forms of legal entities; Corporate law; Contract law; Labor Law; Collection of receivables; Administrative procedures and representation before all courts and state bodies

 §  Education

University Ss Cyril and Methodius Skopje

Law Faculty – Justiniuanus Primus (2002)

Bar exam passed (2004)


§  Professional experience

Independent Attorney-at-law (2017 – ); Assistant General Manager & Manager of Legal Department and Administration at Joint Stock Insurance Company Winner- Vienna Insurance Group  (2011– 2017); Manager of Legal  Department and Administration at Joint Stock Insurance Company Winner- Vienna Insurance Group (2008 – 2011); Manager of Legal Department at Joint Stock Insurance Company  SIGMA Insurance Company  and secretariat of Supervisory Board of Company ( 2004 – 2008); Law office “Janicevic” (2002-2004); Notary office (2001-2002)


§  Membership in organizations and professional associations

Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia (2004)

Macedonian Lawyers Association (2008)

Corporative secretaries (Internal Legal Advisors) and persons for relations with investors Committee, through the Institute for directors (2016)

President of Macedonian Insurance Association (2015 – 2017)

Macedonian Bar Association (2017)

Мember of the Council for development of the capital market in the Republic of Macedonia (2017)


§  Languages

Macedonian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian 

Practice Areas

Corporate law

Wide range for services for all trade companies and other legal entities: legal advice for issues related to corporate law, establishment of all types of legal entities, increase of the basic capital for all legal entities, transformation of legal entities, reorganization, liquidation, organizing meetings for the governing bodies, shareholder assemblies and assemblies of partners, as well as procedures before regulatory bodies (Insurance Supervision Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, Central Securities Depository, Macedonian Stock Exchange and other bodies and organizations).

Compliance with the existing regulation
Services connected with the compliance of laws, bylaws and the internal regulation depending on the organizational form of the legal entities.

coming soon lawyer page


Legal advice for clients connected with regulations in the field of insurance, banking, leasing, stocks, other financial institutions, tax regulations, regulations connected with labor relations, privacy and personal data protection, competition, organizing games of chance, construction and urbanism, health system, as well as other legal regulation.


Preparations and negotiations for all types of trade contracts, with domestic and foreign entities.

Collection of receivables

All types of legal services connected with out of court and court collection of receivables, before the competent notary publics, courts and executors.

Labor law

Wide range of services in respect to relations arising for the employers in connection with the labor laws; preparation of employment contracts, running the procedure for employment before the Employment Agency; preparation of internal acts for the employers connected with the labor laws, preparation of decisions arising from labor laws, representation of the employer and employees in all types of out of court and court disputes related to labor laws, as well as consulting about resolving disputes with employees in connection with termination of employment contracts, compensation, as well as negotiations and conclusion of collective agreements.

Claims compensation

Running all out of court and court procedures for compensation of material and non-material claims.

Licensing and representation before the administrative bodies

Handling all type of procedures before administrative bodies for the purpose of obtaining licensing needed for performing activities of the legal entities or obtaining licensees and approvals (games of chance, insurance, construction, customs and other), as well as representation of the legal entities before the administrative courts in the administrative procedures or procedures before the inspection bodies.

Court proceeding

Representation of clients before of all instance court in the Republic of Macedonia, for administrative, civil and court procedures.


Renata Varga Miceva


Blagoj Petkovski

Legal Expert Intern

Angela Todosova

Legal Expert Intern

Teodora Binoska


Corporate law, Compliance with the existing regulation, Contracts, Labor law, Collection of receivables, Claims compensation, Licensing , Court representation.

contact us

    Str. Vasil Glavinov No.3/5-2, Skopje

    +389 2 3208 008

    +389 70 55 03 03

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